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Pieced Quilt


Pieced Quilt

Brief description

Embroidered hand-pieced quilt with central homespun panel (41" x 33.5") flanked by four embroidered homespun squares and framed by two borders made of floral printed cottons. The inner border is printed in rust, green, yellow and blue; the outer border is printed in red, brown and yellow on a pink ground. The center panel is embroidered with silk threads (green, yellow, brown, pink, blue, red and maroon) in a pattern of flowering vines that join at a heart with the inscription, "Nancy Newton born February 16th 1801." The central section is pieced together and the top center piece appears to be a recycled pocket. The quilt is backed with six pieces of plain weave muslin. Quilt is bound with the pink cotton print - straight applied - on three sides; the top has a knife edge binding. Bottom corners are cut out for bed posts and it has thin cotton batting. The hand quilting outlines the embroidery in the center and is worked in reversing diagonals in the border, along with chevrons and leaves.


length: 99in
width: 93 1/2in
length: 22 1/2in
width: 22 1/2in



Production person

Nancy Newton (1801-1887)

Production date

Circa 1825-1850

Production place



Lynne Z. Bassett and Jack Larkin. Northern Comfort. (1998)
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